Here are the steps on how to get started:


Initial phone consultation and visit

An initial phone consultation as well as a short visit will be scheduled with the consultant to discuss about your child and answer to further questions.

Find ABA tutors

The ABA tutors deliver the home programme and work 1:1 with the learner. Some of the following websites and Facebook groups can be used to recruit tutors:

·      ABA UK
·      ABA/VB community
·      FB: ABA tutors/ parents
·     FB: ABA autism families / therapists in the UK
·      FB: abaa4all

Assessment ( home , school OR home&school/ nursery)

The Consultant will assess your child to determine individual needs and strengths. The consultant and parent will schedule initial assessments sessions. At least one of the parents should also be present during these sessions. The information gathered forms the basis for your child’s individualized plan.

Initial workshop

It will be scheduled with tutors, consultant and parents following the assessment. The initial workshop includes general training in ABA as well as training in implementing the targets selected for the child. The Consultant might ask you to purchase some items/ materials prior to workshop.

Follow up consultation visits ( home and school) and parent training

These will be scheduled to supervise the tutors, parents and teachers working with the child and implement new targets and strategies. The frequency of the visits will depend on the number of ABA hours and the amount of training tutors need. Separate visits will also be scheduled exclusively for parent training.

Further research and readings

Recommended readings for parents:
·      Verbal Behavior Approach , by Mary Barbera
·      The parent guide to in-home ABA programme
·      Teaching Language to children with autism and other developmental disorders